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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Pupuk Organik Bio-SAP

Friday, July 15, 2011


Pupuk Organik Bio-SAP: SELAMAT DATANG: " Salam Agro, Selain untuk meningkatkan hasil pertanian baik untuk tanaman keras maupun lunak, pupuk organik sangat cocok ..."

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Fumigation is the process where insects are eliminated from a structure with the use of lethal gas. Fumigations are carried out using essentially two chemicals: Vikane Gas Fumigant (Sulfuryl Fluoride) and Methyl Bromide also a gas fumigant. These gases are odorless and colorless and leave no residue. Therefore, prior to the fumigation, applicators introduce trace amounts of Chloropicrin. Chloropicrin (Tear gas) has a strong odor and will cause respiratory and eye irritation.

  • Fumigation Preparation
Items to be addressed in preparation for the fumigation of the average home are:

  1. All people, pets, (including fish and/or fish tanks), and plants must be removed from the home. If it's 'living', take it out!

  2. All food and medicinals should be removed or sealed in special bags (your contractor will inform you about these fume-bags) according to the instructions from the fumigator.

  3. Outside plants close to the structure should be cut back from the house to allow workers access to the walls of the building. The perimeter of the structure should be heavily watered to help prevent the fumigant from moving into the soil and affecting the plants.

  4. Antennas, chimney caps, and weather vanes should be removed.

  5. Fences without gates attached to the house may need to have some boards removed to allow the tarps to reach the ground.

  6. The Vikane label states, "Remove mattresses (except waterbeds) and pillows which are completely enveloped in waterproof covers or remove covers."
All mattresses encased in permanent, waterproof coverings must be removed from the structure prior to the introduction of the fumigant, including infant mattresses. Detachable waterproof covers may be removed from the mattress or pillow in lieu of removing the object from the structure. Box springs are considered mattresses for the purposes of this determination.

  •  Fumigant Dosage Determination 
Because of a multitude of structural, environmental, and fumigation variations, there are no two fumigation jobs that are identical. The required dosage of Vikane is influenced by the temperature at the site, the length of exposure period, and the susceptibility of the pest to be controlled. The typical single family home fumigation involves the use of a 16-18 ounces/1000 cubic foot.

  • Fumigation period 
Vikane is usually held in the structure for approximately 16-30 hours. Fumigation time is depending upon the factors mentioned previously.

  • Aeration 
During the aeration, the fumigator aerates the structure with operable doors and windows open and with the aid of a fan for a full hour before securing the structure and allowing a total of six to eight hours of additional aeration.

  • Entering the structure 
Absolutely no one can enter a structure until it has been certified safe for reentry by the licencee in-charge of the fumigation. To ensure that even the owner or tenant cannot reenter a structure, the company is required to put a secondary lock on all outside doors that only the company can open.

  • Certification 
Certification is the final step of the fumigation. The fumigator must aerate a structure, so that the concentration of Vikane in the air is five (5) parts per million (ppm) or less prior to allowing reentry. This five (5) ppm Permissible Exposure Level (PEL) is substantially lower than the level that may affect people and pets following even long-term exposure.
The fumigator is required to post a reentry notice on the property at the time the structure is actually deemed safe for occupancy. If within 24 hours following aeration, you experience headaches, dizziness, nausea, tearing, coughing, nose/throat irritation, shortness of breath, double vision, unusual drowsiness, or tremors, leave the fumigated structure and immediately contact your physician, poison control center, the fumigation company, and your local agricultural commissioner to report the incident.

If the company does not resolve the problem to your satisfaction, you can contact now: 

Golden Fumindo Surabaya - Indonesia
Calling: (62) 31 - 9193 1712 

Saturday, August 29, 2009



Fumigation Services

Fumigation usually involves the following phases: First the area to be fumigated is usually covered to create a sealed environment; next the fumigant is released into the space to be fumigated; then, the space is held for a set period while the fumigant gas percolates through the space and acts on and kills any infestation in the product, next the space is ventilated so that the poisonous gases are allowed to escape from the space, and render it safe for humans to enter.

Tent fumigation (Tenting)

Structural fumigating techniques differ from building to building, but in houses a rubber tent is often placed over the entire house while the pesticides are being released into the vacant residence. This process is called tent fumigation or "tenting". The sealed tent concentrates the poisonous gases and prevents them from escaping into the neighborhood. The process can take up to a week depending on the fumigant used, which in turn depend on the severity of infestation and size of the building.

Fumigation On Board Vessel


Methyl bromide was among the most widely used fumigants until its production and use was restricted by the Montreal Protocol due to its role in ozone depletion.[2][3]
Widely used fumigants include:


Fumigation is a hazardous operation. Generally it is a legal requirement that the operator, carrying out the fumigation operation, holds official certification to perform the fumigation as the chemicals used are toxic to most forms of life, including humans.[1]
Post operation ventilation of the area is a critical safety aspect of fumigation. It is important to distinguish between the pack or source of the fumigant gas and the environment which has been fumigated. While the fumigant pack may be safe and spent, the space will still hold the fumigant gas until it has been ventilated.

Friday, July 31, 2009


  • Posted by Golden Fumindo
    PARKERSBURG - "Don't let the bed bugs bite" is taking on a whole new meaning as the numbers of the pests appear to be growing in the Mid-Ohio Valley. Local pest control experts have said they are seeing i...
  • Posted by Golden Fumindo
    State crop reporting data suggests the Wabash Valley areas have suffered significantly in corn and soybean planting delays. At this writing, a June 22 rainstorm is further impeding fieldwork, closing the ...
  • *Pest Storages *Consist of 4 kind of pest, base on the way eat are : 1. Internal Feeders Exterminate bulk grain (not process yet) and stay inside. Example : Sitophilus oryzae (rice weevil), Ryzophertha dom...
  • Posted by Golden Fumindo
    *Effectiveness of Two Insecticides to Control Melon Fruit Fly (Bactrocera Cucurbitae Coq.) In Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L). Crop at Anse Boileau Seychelles O.A.Oke **Department of Biological Scineces Univ...
  • Posted by Golden Fumindo
    I was reading a book called “Living in Divine Health” by “Don Colbert”. In that book, Dr. Colbert mentioned that there are close to 20,000 chemicals in the tap water in US. He said that they are not able...

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

FUMIPHOS is the best phostoxine (PH3) product


Adalah Insektisida FUMIGANT BERMUTU YANG EKONOMIS berbahan aktif : Aluminium Phosphide

INERT INGREDIENTS ............................................. 44%

FUMIPHOS® dapat digunakan pada berbagai tempat penyimpanan, seperti : Silo, Gudang, Kontainer, Kapal dan lain-lain.Dosis dan Aturan Pakai :

Keuntungan FUMIPHOS®
- Tidak merusak mutu / zat gizi komoditi.
- Tidak merubah rasa, aroma dan warna komoditi.
- Residunya sangat rendah dan mudah hilang dengan aerasi atau penganginan.
- Aman bagi lingkungan dan tidak merusak lapisan ozon.

Ampuh, Mudah digunakan, Ekonomis , Aman bagi Lingkungan dan Komoditi.


Komiditi pertanian / pangan yang disimpan sangat mudah terserang hama gudang seperti : Tribolium sp., Sitophilus sp., Rhyzopertha dominica, dll. Untuk melindunginya, Anda memerlukan FUMIPHOS® pembasmi hama gudang yang telah terbukti ampuh dan efektif.

Komoditi Sasaran :
Komoditi pertanian / pangan yang dapat difumigasi dengan FUMIPHOS®, yaitu :
Biji-bijian, Padi-padian, Kacang-kacangan, Benih tanaman, Kapas, Rumput-rumputan, Buah-buahan, Buah awetan,? Sayuran awetan, Bahan jamu, Cengkih, Jahe kering, Kakao, Kopi & Teh, Lada, Pala, Tembakau, Kelapa sawit, Kopra, Susu bubuk, Tapioka, Gaplek, Pakan ternak, Kayu, Bambu/rotan, Produk kulit.

Kemasan : Kardus isi 14 Kaleng ( 500 Tablet / 1,5 Kg ), 3 gram / Tablet
Negara Asal : China
Harga : Rp 1.050/tablet (sewaktu-waktu bisa berubah)
Cara Pembayaran : Transfer Bank (T/T)
Bank Mandiri No. rek. 140.000.689.53.88
A/n. Donny Cahyo Priyono
Jumlah : Sesuai permintaan (min 1 kardus = isi 14 kaleng)
Kemas & Pengiriman: Kaleng (isi 500 tablet), pengiriman ke seluruh wilayah indonesia.
Ph. +6231-91931712 Fx. +6231-3555714


Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Golden Fumindo

CV. GOLDEN FUMINDO adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa fumigasi, pestcontrol, testing laboratory dan independent surveyor. Kami juga supplier dan trading obat anti hama (insecticide) merk "FUMIPHOS" dan desiccant merk Top Dry Gel dan Desitech
Kami bisa menyuplai dalam partai besar dan kecil (minimum 1 Karton box), dengan harga yang kompetitif dipasar.